President: Kathy Dierkman
Vice President: Angie Deutsch
Treasurer: Wendy Bockover
Secretary: Lori Ludwig
Ladies Sodality has record of being active in the parish dating back to 1925. All women of St. Anthony’s parish, over the age of 18, are considered members of the Ladies Sodality. We meet in the lower hall on the first Thursday of each month, unless otherwise announced in the bulletin. Our monthly meetings provide our women with an opportunity to socialize with friends, but a lot of work is accomplished as well. We have one annual fundraiser, The Chocolate Affair, held each February before Lent begins. The funds we raise at this event allow us to do what we do best, serve our Parish.
Following is list of recent activities that the Ladies Sodality sponsors and/or supports:
The monthly Coffee Socials organized by Angela Kinker
Monthly Bingo held at St. Andrew’s
Funeral luncheons organized by Kathy Dierckman
The Annual Easter Egg hunt organized by Tonya Hudepol
Baptismal Cloths that are given to children when they are baptized are sewn and hand embroidered by Morgan Fullenkamp
Greeting cards sent to parishioners when a new baby is born and when they are sick are handled by Joan Eckstein
Card Parties on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month volunteered by Anita Messerschmidt, Julie Brown, Pat Moster, and Anna Mae Erhardt. All proceeds are donated to the Haiti Ministry. We raised and donated nearly $1,000 for Haiti last year!
We purchase and deliver Christmas gifts each year to parishioners who are in the nursing home or unable to leave their homes.
At our December meeting we collect cash and match that amount from the treasury to donate to a needy family.
Several of the Ladies make a quilt for the Picnic Quilt Booth at the Labor Day Picnic each year.
We have several Eucharistic Ministers who visit parish shut ins and take the Eucharist to Catholics at both St. Andrews and The Chateau a couple times each month.