If you are interested in using Schad Hall or tables/chairs, please read the policy below and print the "Hall Rental Guidelines" and the appropriate "Agreement" form from the "Forms to Download" on the left.
Schad Hall is available on a first come, first serve basis. All usage of Schad Hall must be scheduled with the parish office staff (812-934-6218).
There is a fee (See Exhibit A, Fee Schedule) to rent the hall with the exception of parish events, selected non-profit organizations and selected parishioner events (see Exhibit B, Fee Exemptions)
All non-parish sponsored events need to present a copy of a comprehensive general liability insurance policy (see Exhibit C, Comprehensive General Liability Insurance Policy)
All events where alcohol is sold and/or included in the admission price must adhere to the Alcohol Policy (see Exhibit D, Alcohol Policy)
Parishioners are considered those persons registered in the parish office and who are envelope holders for at least 1 year. A family member of a parishioner is not considered a parishioner. Parishioner’s children need to register when graduated high school or 18 years of age.
Refer to Schad Hall lease agreements for more specific details.
All fees will be fully refunded if cancelled with a 6-month notice.
Hall Rental Fees(Non-Wedding)
Upper Hall Only - $250
Lower Hall Only - $75
Both Upper/lower - $325
Key Deposit: $25 (refundable upon return of key)
Clean up Fee: $50/hour(if additional clean-up is deemed necessary by St. Anthony of Padua)
Upper Hall Only - $600
Lower Hall Only - $400
Both Upper/lower - $900
Key Deposit: $25 (refundable upon return of key)
Clean up Fee: $50/hour(if additional clean-up is deemed necessary by St. Anthony of Padua)
Non-Profit Orginization (Non-Fundraiser)
Upper Hall Only - $250
Lower Hall Only - $75
Both Upper/lower - $325
Key Deposit: $25 (refundable upon return of key)
Clean up Fee: $50/hour(if additional clean-up is deemed necessary by St. Anthony of Padua)
Non-Profit Orginization (Fundraiser)
Upper Hall Only - $600
Lower Hall Only - $400
Both Upper/lower - $900
Key Deposit: $25 (refundable upon return of key)
Clean up Fee: $50/hour(if additional clean-up is deemed necessary by St. Anthony of Padua)
Hall Rental Fees (Wedding)
Hall Rental: $750 (1/2 due at reservation, 1/2 due 1 month prior to event)
Damage Deposit: $250 (due upon reservation,refundable if no damage)
Clean up Fee: $250 (optional for parishioner,due 1 month prior to event)
Hall Rental: $1,500 (1/2 due at reservation, 1/2 due 1 month prior to event)
Damage Deposit: $600 (due upon reservation,refundable if no damage)
Clean up Fee: $300 (optional for parishioner,due 1 month prior to event)
Hall Rental Fees (Non-Parish Sporting Events & Practices)
Upper Hall Only - $25/Hour for the first 3 hours, additional hours are $20/hour
Table & Chair Rentals (Non-Hall use)
Daily Rate: $2
Daily Rate: $0.50
The following organizations/events may use Schad Hall free of charge, but still must comply with the Comprehensive General Liability Insurance Policy.
Non-Profit Organizations:
• Morris Volunteer Fire Department (including fundraisers)
• Morris 4-H club (meetings only, not to exceed 3 hours).
• Girl Scouts and/or Boy Scouts (meetings only, not to exceed 3 hours).
• Home School groups (not to exceed 8 hours).
NOTE: All non-profit group fundraisers or events must pay a fee.
Parishioner Events:
• Parishioner’s benefit event. A parishioner cannot sponsor an event for a non-parishioner free of charge. The person who the benefit is for needs to be a parishioner as stated in the above definition.
• Parishioners who achieve and celebrate 50 or 75 years of marriage.
• The use of the hall for lunch after a funeral for parishioners is free of charge.
All non-parish sponsored events need to present a copy of a comprehensive general liability insurance in the amount of not less than $1 million and shall include the St. Anthony of Padua, the Pastor of St. Anthony of Padua, the Archdiocese of Indianapolis as additional insureds thereunder.
• This includes meetings of non-profit groups. The non-profit organizations should provide their groups with a copy of insurance. Please keep these on hand until the group discontinues meeting at our facility. Annually review the insurance copies to be certain they have not expired.
• Also includes all non-profit organization meetings, events and fundraisers.
• Parishioners and non-parishioners privately renting may contact their homeowner’s insurance company to provide a copy.
• If needed, the website to complete the Archdioceses of Indianapolis online application is http://www.kandkinsurance.com/sites/Tulip/Pages/DioceseEligibility.aspx
All events must be reported 15 days prior to effective date. The renter may also contact any other insurance company to obtain the coverage.
Events where alcohol is included in the admission price or sold per-drink.
• A licensed bartender is required.
• A Liquor Liability coverage is needed for any event that will include the sale of alcoholic beverages, either on a per-drink basis or included in the cost of admission. The bartender may have this coverage.
• A Beer Wine Permit or Hard Liquor Permit is required if included in admission or sold as per-drink basis.
• $1 million comprehensive general liability insurance as stated above is also required. http://www.in.gov/atc/2409.htm for information and permit application.